Did you know..

The range of symptoms associated with core dysfunction can vary from a minor inconvenience to significantly impacting the quality of life. Pregnancy is not the only a prerequisite for experiencing symptoms. Young athletes through to older sedentary adults are also susceptible. If you have given birth either vaginally or via cesarean you are considered postpartum thereafter and can seek help at any stage. Pain and discomfort can occur in varying degrees and while common are not normal or something you should put up with.

With first-hand experience and further education as a corrective exercise specialist, I offer support to women who are ready to restore this vital group of muscles to optimal function.

Carrie listens. She hears what I say and really pays attention. She is able to construct a session appropriate for how I am feeling on that particular day or week. She most often than not knows what I need before I do. She also welcomes my 7 month old baby with open arms (literally) which leaves me free to workout. Carrie is trained in pre/post pregnancy, so I always feel I am in the safest hands. Very clearly, there is lots I like about Carrie.
— Maddison | 1 on 1 PT

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